Monday, January 27, 2014

Maybe My Favorite Photo of All-Time

Having finished our 16-milers out on the country roads of Poolesville, Charlie and I drove up Willard Road to look for food (as it happens: foot-long chicken parm subs and lemonade) while Emily finished up her nearly three-hour Sunday effort in prep for her first full, DC Rock N Roll. We saw her trucking down the road and I hopped out of the car to see how she was doing and if she needed anything.

Emily and I sometimes say that she is a writer who runs while I am a runner who writes. We try to support each other in our respective endeavours and sub-endeavours. And, as you can see by the smile on her face - wearing the running outfit I gave her for Christmas 2006, to which she has wisely added ear muffs - her marathon training is going quite well.