Monday, October 4, 2010

An Unfortunate Development

My taper was progressing without incident -- I was feeling good -- until Wednesday evening, after my standard 10-days-out workout of 3 by 1 mile at about 5K effort. The good news: I did the workout faster and more comfortably than I ever have: 4:58, 56, 55. The bad news: Afterward I felt some tightness in my right hamstring.

I assumed this was just one in a medley of the usual minor aches and pains. The next day, running easy, it was pretty tight when I started out, then it eased up, then it got really tight (at around 45 minutes). I walked it in, got on ice, ibuprofen, took the next day (Friday) off.

On Saturday, though, I was surprised, when running, to find that the tightness had basically left my right leg and had migrated to the left. 20 minutes was all I could get through; spent the rest of the day focusing on that leg. Sunday, same thing. That afternoon I went with Jake Klim to see Sarah Buckheit, a PT who has helped him work through his stress fracture. She stretched me out some and was pretty sure this was a tightness/sciatica related issue, not a hamstring issue.

Basically, she did a couple release things (this is not something I am able to describe in detail, at this point) and felt that might be all I need. Today's test, however, did not go well. I made it but a step before the hamstring tightened into a knot. I am going to see her again tomorrow. At this point, we need a breakthrough.

To be clear, the missed time is of zero concern to me. What concerns me is the need to get my body in order. If it is not, I won't run -- it's that simple.

Suggestions are of course welcome.


Jake Marren said...

ARRRGGGGHHHH! Hope it rebounds pronto. You got a week buddy, it will loosen up.

PR said...

Hang in there dude. Keep it day-to-day at this point. I gotta think that's all you can do now.