Sunday, March 29, 2009

Two Weeks

I have been back from Peace Corps for one year, and I can confidently say that I am running at much higher level than I was in the fall before the New York City Marathon.

The photos above are from the D.C. National Half Marathon on March 21. I ran with the lead pack of the marathon for the first 10k. Patrick Moulton, in blue, who has run 2:15, won the race in 2:20 and change. Michael Wardian, center, of Arlington finished second in 2:22.15. I was actually surprised by the pace they were running: Wardian's event record is 2:24, and after going through two miles in 10:50, the pace accelerated. I passed through 5 miles with the group in 26:40, feeling comfortable, struggled a bit miles 6-8 uphill through Adams Morgan -- and got dropped! -- and then rallied with 10:55 from 8 to 10, closing strong the last mile. I hit a p.b. of 1:11.52 for 7th place, and to do this during a 100-mile week with tired, aching legs was very encouraging. During my marathon cycle prior to running 2:29, I ran only 1:12.45 at the Harrisburg Half.

March 16 - AM 10 PM 5

T - AM 10 with 6 times 2 minutes on, off

W - AM 15

Th - AM 10 PM 6

F - 9

S - 3 WU, National Half Marathon, 2 CD - 18

S - 18

Total - 100

March 23 - AM 10

T - AM 10 with 6 times 2 on, off PM 4

W - 13

Th - 10

F - 2 WU, 3 times 2 miles in 10:45-10:50. Hip flexor very sore. 8 easy. 16

S - AM 10 PM 7

S - 18

Total - 98

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